3 Tips on How to Effectively Use Your Sign

Signs are one of the most effective ways to reach potential clients in your community. You could be a school trying to communicate with parents, or a business trying to reach new customers or a church hoping to connect with potential new members, the following tips for using your outdoor signage will help you reach your goals quickly and easily.

Keep Your Message Short and Sweet

How fast does traffic pass your business? How long do you think the average driver will have to look at your sign? A person passing your sign may only see a portion of your message – so make the entire thing count! Use letters that are scaled appropriately to the size of your sign and speed of traffic so that your message can easily be read.

Speak to Your Audience

Think about who will see your message. For example, the audience driving by a school is a typically parent dropping a student off, so you would want to communicate messages that are pertinent to that audience. Updates about homecoming events, PTO meetings, or school recognition for exciting milestones.  Anyone passing by a business is a potential customer, so display messages advertising sales or events for your products or services. Create messages that will connect with your audience.

Change Your Message Up Regularly

The less often you update your message, the less your audience will pay attention to what your organization has to offer. Your signs and banners reflect your business. Keep them up to date and on brand.  Doing so will attract more attention from those potential customers passing by.

Vinyl banners and coroplast yard signs are great communication tools for all organizations. They truly are the most cost-effective way to advertise your products and services to the local customers.  Did we mention that yard signs can be variable printed with a different specific message on every piece? Talk about a personalized message. No more one size fits all!

If you are a small business or school in St. Louis and are ready to connect with your students and customers in a meaningful way, Infantile Industries is here for you.  Let our experienced team help you with your next yard sign or vinyl banner order!  Contact us today!